venerdì 29 giugno 2012

How to increase Operator Logo on N9

If you see cropped infos for SigmaPlayer on standby screen or wish to show a bigger operator logo than the standard 120*120 one, follow these steps:

  • If you don't have developer mode enabled, open menu > security > developer mode and enable it.
  • Open a terminal window with Terminal application.
  • Type devel-su and press return.
  • Type the password, the default one is rootme . Don't be scared if you don't see any char or asterisk. Press return.
  • Type, or paste, the following command: sed -i '123 s/maximum-size: *.*/maximum-size: 45mm 45mm/g' /usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/libsysuid-screenlock-nokia/style/libsysuid-screenlock-nokia.css . It's all a one line command. Press return.
  • You may now disable developer mode if wished.
  • Reboot device
Now operator logo can be any size up to 450*450 mm.

domenica 24 giugno 2012

SigmaPlayer for Harmattan 0.2.0 update

Major update for SigmaPlayer is coming on Nokia Store!

There are no more different themes, but there is the option to pick theme color. Available theme colors by now: Silver, Purple, Blue.
Main page has been redesigned to directly show all 6 filtering options in a grid, reducing the time to pick a choice.
Tracks page now has two selection modes: with "Queue" mode user can add tracks to current playlist without stopping playback; with "Direct play" playback is stopped and selected song is played. To play all tracks in alphabetically order (or shuffled one) there is an option in the page menu.

Artists and Albums pages now have three viewing modes: CoverFlow, List and Grid views. First time albums page is opened an albums scan is performed, this is necessary to solve QtGallery bug which shows "phantom" albums in the list. If new albums are added/removed to/from device, just restart application and open Albums page again.

Current playlist is shown tapping on album art or list icon in Playing page. A vertical drawer will get opened, overlaying Playing page and showing current tracks in playlist. Tap on back icon or the list icon to close it.
Low power screen has been removed, but an option to show current played track directly on standby screen has been added. It requires to have the operator logo max size at leas 450*90, otherwise it will be cropped.
Added support to wired handset buttons aswell, and option to pick sorting criteria when filtering by folders.

sabato 9 giugno 2012

WidgetCanvas 0.2.0 update

New version for WidgetCanvas, here there is the changelog:

Added one more wallpaper mode: 5 fading wallpapers, one for each desktop.
Added flashlight widget.

FadingImage QML Component

I have written a qml component to swap a picture with a fading animation. Usage is simple, whenever the source property changes, the component fades out the current image and fades in the new one. Default interval is 500ms, but it can be changed to any desidered value.

 // import QtQuick 1.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5  
 import QtQuick 1.1  
 Item {  
   id: root  
   property string source  
   property bool from1to2: true  
   property int interval: 500  
   onSourceChanged: {  
     if (from1to2) {  
       image02.source = source  
       image02.opacity = 1  
       image01.opacity = 0  
     } else {  
       image01.source = source  
       image01.opacity = 1  
       image02.opacity = 0  
     from1to2 = !from1to2  
   Image {  
     id: image01  
     anchors.fill: parent  
     sourceSize.height: parent.height  
     sourceSize.width: parent.width  
     fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop  
     opacity: 1  
     Behavior on opacity {  
       NumberAnimation { duration: root.interval }  
   Image {  
     id: image02  
     anchors.fill: parent  
     sourceSize.height: parent.height  
     sourceSize.width: parent.width  
     fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop  
     opacity: 0  
     Behavior on opacity {  
       NumberAnimation { duration: root.interval }  
   Component.onCompleted: {  
     image01.source = root.source  