giovedì 28 aprile 2011

Streaming DVB-T from VLC to N900

I will explain how to stream TV within a W-Lan to watch it on N900.

To do it a DVB-T dongle is a must and VideoLan is needed to stream over the network.
First of all, be sure the correct drivers are installed: if you have Windows Seven there may be some troubles getting the drivers accepted; if this doesn't happen, press F8 at OS start up and select the option to include unsigned drivers.

On my home network Laptop, which act as the server, has as ip, while the N900 ip is
On pc, open VideoLan (I'm using version 1.1.9) and click on media>transmission. Click on 4th tab (Acquisition device) and select "DVD DirectShow. Pick DBV-T as device, type the right frequence and pick the right bandwith gap.
Click on "stream", than on "next" and add a "MS-WMSP (MMSH)" destination. Leave the ip as it is ( and change the port to 1234 (any free port is fine).
Pick "activate transcoding", and select "Video - H.264 + AAC (MP4) as profile. Click on the small icon to edit the profile. Choose MPEG-TS as Encapsulation, H-264 as video driver with 700kb/s bitrate, 20 fps and 0.25resize and 320as width. Pick MPEG 4 Audio as audio codec with a 64kb/s as bitrate, 2 channels and 44100 champ freq. Click on "save" and than "stream".

Streaming will start, click on "Playback" > "Program" and select the wanted channel.
On N900, open x-terminal and give the following command: "mplayer mms://" and happy watching!

martedì 26 aprile 2011

lunedì 25 aprile 2011

QRadio for N900 updated to version 0.4.1

I have updated QRadio app to version 0.4.1
For who doesn't know what it is, QRadio let the user use the built-in FM radio receiver of the N900 and has a digital looking ui with several features.

* Radio now stops itself when receiving/making calls.
* Volume slider will change speaker volume when these are enabled.
* Stations Names alignment is now central.

mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

A fresh start

I have been thinking about a personal blog for weeks, but have never decided to spend some time doing it. I guess the time has come, and so here it is.

Major focus of this blog is coding and software development, mainly for Linux and (above all) Nokia N900.
I'll publish here some coding ideas and software usefull (and less usefull but eyes-appealing) that someone may like it.

I'm not someone that spends a lot of word to explain concepts, so I'm not the kind of man which finds easily getting long posts, so no wall-of-text if not strictly needed.
